D/B Recommended: Wolves in the Throne Room & Wolvserpent @ Festsaal Kreuzberg Berlin | Sunday, 13.11.2011

During the Summer of 2002 at an Earth First rendezvous in the Casca e Mountains of Washington State, guitarist Nathan Weaver was inspired to create a band that merged a Cascadian eco-spiritual awareness with the misanthropic Norwegian eruptions of the 90’s.

[audio:xxx-xxx.mp3]The band envisioned would strive to create a mythic space where artist and listener alike could strip away the mindset of the mundane to reveal a more ancient and transcendent consciousness. The mysterious and wild energies of the untrammeled forests of the Northwest would be channeled into sonic form.
In the spring of 2004, Nathan and his brother, drummer Aaron Weaver, moved to a dilapidated farmstead on the outskirts of Olympia, WA. The creation of their farm-stronghold, called Calliope, would be intrinsically linked to the development of Wolves in the Throne Room. It was during the first long, dark winter living in the collapsed farmhouse at Calliope that the band developed their trance-inducing sound and solidified the burning intent that would animate the band’s music.
Since that time Wolves in the Throne Room have become one of the most important and highly regarded bands in extreme music. Over the course of 3 studio albums and hundreds of live performances the band has slowly boiled away the prima materia of Black Metal to distill a unique essence.

Wolves in the Throne Room | The Cleansing

Wolvserpent is the private imprint and performing moniker of long time duo Blake Green & Brittany McConnell. Influenced by such composers as Arvo Part, Gyorgy Ligeti, Henry Gorecki, Erik Satie, La Monte Young and Ennio Morricone. Wolvserpent utilizes 20 + years of classical training to create heavy atmospheres and avant-garde ideas of blackened occult hypno-doom metal.

Stringed amplified instruments combine with a twenty-first century approach to composition to create works that are dark, atmospheric and span a range from drone, doom metal & funeral dirges to dark folk.


Wolves In The Throne Room & Wolvserpent  LIVE

Sunday, 13. November 2011 | 20:00 CET
Festsaal Kreuzberg | Skalitzer STr. 130 | 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg

www.wittr.com | wolvserpent.com | www.festsaal-kreuzberg.de