MADEIRADIG Artist Feature: Stephan Mathieu | 03-06.12.2010 @ Madeira Island / Portugal

Stephan Mathieu (October 1967) is a German musician and sound artist whose work is based on digital and analog processing techniques.
[audio:Stephan Mathieu – gabriel.mp3]He works in the fields of digital art and electroacoustics, mainly as a self taught composer and performer of his own music.

He creates audio installations, works as a photographer & graphic designer, and taught Digital Arts and Theory at the HBKSaar University of Art and Design in Saarbrücken and as a guest lecturer at the Royal Academy of Arts in Göteborg, the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Merz-Akademie in Stuttgart.

Since 1999 his music has been released on 16 albums and several compilations on numerous international music labels, most notably on Die Schachtel, spekk, Häpna, Orthlorng Musork, Mille Plateaux, Ritornell, Fällt, Headz, Cronica and Lucky Kitchen.

Mathieu’s music, based on recordings of acoustic, mainly early period instruments, which are transformed by digital and analogue processes, has been compared to the landscape paintings of Caspar David Friedrich, and described as “Mathieu shows that that most functional and impersonal of musical instruments, the laptop, is capable of producing work not only of great beauty, but of mysterious and powerful emotion.

By the way, Stephan Mathieu is considered one of the most important laptop musicians of our days.” Wired Magazine, San Francisco

Stephan Mathieu will perfom at the MADEIRADIG Festival 2010. To get an idea what goes on there and why it is so unique have a look at the last year Pictures & Comments, watch the documentary or visit the Website.



03-06.12.2010 | Madeira Island / Portugal

with Stephan Mathieu & Caro Mikalef, Janek Schaefer, Simon Whetham & Hugo Olim, Ben Frost, Richard Skelton, PITA, The Beautiful Schizophonic, Peter Broderick, Max Tundra uvm. |