D/B Movie Feature: Portable Life by Fleur Boonan with Rutger Hauer | Trailer

Portable Life is the story about the journey of a young woman, a real and an inner journey, through parallel worlds and different times, where certain people are inextricable linked with each other.

The world journey of a young women” leads the viewer not only to many different cultural crossroads but also to unidentifiable, non anecdotic places. Places that are more representing a psychological state then an actual location.

We can interpretate the word “journey” in different ways, a real physical journey,a journey through the lives of others. an inner journey. An journey through differend life times.. The journey is a puzzle which with holds pieces of information in different parts of the world and in various encounters with others.

In her exhausting journey in search of the person to be with and the place to be the final answer is that is me.

“Portable Life will be an experimental, personal film, strongly coloured by my love of travelling the people and challenges I met. My love for dance, and my photography.”

Release Date is 1 February 2011. Directed and written by Fleur Boonman
