D/B Recommended: Lionel Marchetti, Gert-Jan Prins & JD Zazie @ Ausland Berlin | Tuesday, 26.06.2012

Lionel Marchetti is an electroacoustic improviser and musique concrète composer. Initially self-taught, Marchetti studied with Xavier Garcia in Grenoble.

A scholar, he later worked at the CFMI (Lyon) and INA-GRM studios (Paris), and published a book on composer Michel Chion. In the mid-1990s Marchetti was one of a handful of artists who took electroacoustic music out of the academic studio and into the realm of free improvisation, using a live set-up with microphones, small speakers, tape recorders and radio.

As an improviser he performs in his long-standing duo with Jérôme Noetinger, in the audio-visual project Le Cube, with influential collective Archipel, and with dancer Yôko Higashi. In his studio work he incorporates sound collage and electroacoustic composition, although the level of poetry and refusal of genre boundaries in his music puts him closer to Kristoff K. Roll and Luc Ferrari than Pierre Henry or Bernard Parmegiani.

Lionel Marchetti | 11 Têtes

Gert-Jan Prins has been known for twenty years as one of the most challenging sound artists in the Netherlands and established himself as one of the central electronic performers in improvised music. His unique self-developed live-electronics make use of radio and transmitter technology, and create sounds with great physical energy.

Prins focuses on percussive and environmental noise creating a music that’s characterized by pure rawness in volume and sound, but also utilizing subtlety in color through specific use of scraping, rasping and other noise sounds. Prins is a member of MIMEO and collaborates with, Thomas Lehn, Thomas Ankersmit, Cor Fuhler (The Flirts), Peter Rehberg and Fennesz. He has performed throughout Europe and the Americas.

Gert-Jan Prins | Sub IV

JD Zazie is an italian sound artist and recordist based in Berlin. Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background, JD Zazie has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound.
In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities.

As a solo performer, in small groups or large ensembles she moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.

Lionel Marchetti, Gert-Jan Prins & JD Zazie  LIVE
presented by NK Projekt

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 | 21:00 CET
Ausland | Lychener Str. 60 | 10437 Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg

lionel.erasme.org | gjp.info | JD Zazie at Burp | ausland-berlin.de | nkprojekt.de