D/B Recommended: An-archives of sound @ Feed Berlin | Saturday, 30.06.2012

Yutaka Makino was born in 1976 in Japan and lives in Berlin. Active primarily in the field of computer music, Makino also uses installations and performances to explore the various dimensions of human perception.

On the basis of his investigations into spatial perception and new methods of sound synthesis, his works make use of concepts inspired by his current research into areas such as phenomenology, experimental psychology and complex dynamic systems.

Makino’s recent works provide environments in flux to experience shifting modes of perception. He works with computational dynamic systems to generate and control elements such as sound, light or fog. These pseudo matters lay out the environments of which the audience becomes an active part.

Yutaka Makino | Conflux

Alberto de Campo is a musician, composer, artist and educator working in many different contexts: among other things, he plays in several improvisation ensembles, composes, creates sound-based installations, and designs software instruments.

After studying composition and jazz guitar in Austria, he focused on electronic/computer music while being Visiting Scholar and later Research Director at CREATE (UC Santa Barbara). From 2005-2007 he was lead researcher in ‘SonEnvir’ (at IEM Graz), an interdisciplinary project which experimented with possible applications of sonification of scientific data with a team of scientists from several different disciplines.

Alberto De Campo, Dominik Hildebrandt and others | live at FFAAII Festival

Takuro Mizuta Lippit (aka DJ Sniff) is a musician, curator and producer in the field of experimental electronic arts and improvised music. His musical work builds upon a distinct practice that combines DJing, instrument design and free improvisation. He is interested in how a mediated musical memory, from archival collections of vinyl records to digitally captured sound events during a performance, can be used to create a new sonic reality that emerges through the fleeting notion of the “now.”

This pursuit has led him to create customized instruments that allow him to intuitively access and re-play these different temporalities ingrained in our listening consciousness. His live performances range from carefully constructed solo sets to improvisational groups with virtuosic instrumentalists.

Takuro Mizuta Lippit | dj sniff setup and demo

Born in 1978, Mizuta Lippit spent most of his formative years in Tokyo. He studied Art History and Philosophy at Keio University, where his graduating thesis was on concepts of the frame and the sublime, based on a critical reading of Kant, Derrida and Lyotard.

During this time, he was also active as a DJ in the underground electronic music scene and formed a collective called smashTV productions which organized club events and salon style gatherings.

An-Archives of Sound with:
Yutaka Makino, Alberto De Campo & DJ Sniff  LIVE

presented by NK, UdK & STEIM

Saturday, 30 June 2012 | 20:00 CET

Feed | Hobrechtstraße 65 | Hinterhaus, Etage 4 | 12047 Berlin/Neukölln

yutakamakino.com | djsniff.com | steim.org | 6554.de  |  nkprojekt.de ________________________________________________________________