D/B Recommended: Lakes, Diät, Ill Winds & Omen @ Raum Berlin | Friday, 15.06.2012

Sean Bailey aka Lakes has been a key member in Melbourne’s weird rock/pop/noise music scene since he moved from Hobart in the mid-’90s. In addition to running the Inverted Crux private press label and playing in groups such as Paeces, Wasted Truth and the now defunct Vivian Girls, Bailey’s dominant artistic pursuit nowadays is his solo project Lakes.

While the debut Lakes LP was released on Chapter Music, Solar Flecks is the most recent in a series of vinyl records independently released on Inverted Crux, starting with 2008’s Cloven and closely followed by the 2009 7” single ‘Tray of Fire’. His music resembles a strange cultish folksong: a traditional craft buried beneath rubble and haunted by weird ruminations, incantations, chants, drones and spiritual channelling.

While initially rough to the ears, Lakes’ music is marked by a strange austerity: to listen to these songs is to hear puzzles of occult imagery and allusion that beg to be deciphered. With a little perseverance, Lakes’ recent work becomes a world of its own: a strange vista of forest silhouettes that becomes brighter and more colourful through repeated close listening. Frustratingly, little is known of Bailey’s motivations, and there are few clues as to what secrets are hidden within the often obscure lyrical themes on his records. Here’s an attempt to get a grasp on the hidden world of Lakes.

Lakes | Energy Garden

Rarely does an unsolicited emailing of tracks from Europe even raise an eyebrow but No Accent and Pick A Line  from Neukölln’s Diät really knock over. Expertly tight catchy drumming, cold as ice monotone pitch perfect post-punk vocals and a rhythm section that would make James Brown mush-mouthier with jealousy.

Sorta sounds like “Mesh & Lace” MODERN ENGLISH playing CRISIS covers but with smarter lyrics. We heard a rumor that DIÄT formed with the sole (and lofty) purpose of playing with TOTAL CONTROL in Berlin, where they’re from. This band will do great things starting now.

Other performing artist are Ill Winds (post-punk, cyclical and minimal flusterings of a hazy nature) and Omen (Nebulous anthems of tranquility from former Acid Casualty front “man” Hannah Schiefelbein. A ghost trapped under glass, under water).

Lakes, Diät, Ill Winds & Omen  LIVE
presented by Noisekölln

Friday, 15 June 2012 | 21:00 CET
RAUM | Ziegrastr. 15 | 12057  Berlin/Neukölln
