D/B Recommended: Free in store gig with Kid Kameleon, Kinskop & Tinker @ Dense Store Berlin Tuesday, 19.10.2010

Another early evening of elelctronic exploration is coming up at Dense record store this week!

This time the best shop in town have invited experienced dj, journalist & music activist KID KAMELEON as well as highly gifted berlin newcomer KINSKOP and his delicate electronica through the cold outer bass.

Famous for ignoring all genre boundaries, we´re very excitedly awaiting TINKER´s eclectic mix of music from all kinds of different worlds!

Kinskop | home folder


Kinskop, Kid Kameleon & Tinker
Tuesday 19.10.10 | 19:00
Dense Record Shop | Petersburger Str 81 | 10247 Berlin/Friedrichshain

http://www.dense-shop.de | Map | http://kidkameleon.com