MADEIRADIG Artist Feature: Grischa Lichtenberger | 03-06.12.2010 @ Madeira Island / Portugal

Grischa Lichtenberger, born Bielefeld 1983, is involved in a variety of arts such as writing, graphics, installations, video and music.
[audio:grischa lichtenberger – 091028lv1brm1091028.mp3]For his recent album he recorded sounds from the world around him like a sliding table top, the noise of a radiator or the droning of a broken machine. By means of digital manipulation these sounds become instruments.

The years between 2005 and 2007 saw the beginning of his works on „~treibgut“ in Düsseldorf, based on reflections on the landscape of the river Rhein. Starting at written and drawn reflections these works by now cover an extensive visual, acustic and theoretical archive.

From the produced works various installations were born (“Vinzenz“, Düsseldorf, 2007, „Waldstelle Nordpol“, Steinhagen, 2007, „Weser Portfolio“, Minden, 2008), as well as the film „Die Erzählung der vermittelten Geschichte unserer Entfernung“, 2006.

Grischa Lichtenberger | 1205_10

Boomkat about Treibgut, Grischa’s recent album: Via various methods and processes Lichtenberger manipulates field recordings and musique concrete sampled from the world around him such as a sliding tabletop, the noise of a radiator or the humming of a broken device before transforming them into sound-giving instruments.

The resultant sound swerves from a cacophany of autistic rhythms and unfathomably complex textures to almost poppy experimentalism and intricately funked syncopations edging on the territory of Autechre, Alva Noto or CoH mixed with the coarse textures of Yasunao Tone.

Of it, the observer always only sees aspects, while the thing, without him on its mind, drifts by. In other words, this will take a while to sink in but digital dancefloor fiends and armchair consumers alike will find something to plug into here. Massive release and essential Purchase!

Grischa Lichtenberger will perfom at the MADEIRADIG Festival 2010. To get an idea what goes on there and why it is so unique have a look at the last year Pictures & Comments, watch the documentary or visit the Website.



03-06.12.2010 | Madeira Island / Portugal

with Grischa Lichtenberger, The Beautiful Schizophonic, Peter “PITA” Rehberg, Stephan Mathieu & Caro Mikalef, Janek Schaefer, Simon Whetham & Hugo Olim, Ben Frost, Peter Broderick, Max Tundra uvm. |