D/B Recommended: Feedbackorchester & Kulku @ Theaterkapelle Berlin | Sunday, 20.11.2011

The feedback orchestra is an exprimental guitar orchestra from Berlin, and is a collective of eight electronic guitar players who exclusively use feedback noises to play their instruments.

The concerts are long improvisations based upon the athmosphere, mood, and acoustics of the particular  location. What the band has in mind is a cathartic, cleansing effect of the place.

The music of the FBO is on one hand very calm and meditative, on the other hand it has a very powerful physical presence, which bears resemblance to natural forces. It is a slow rolling stream of vibrations, frictions and walls of sound, in which tones and harmonies consistently dance around each other, attracting and rejecting in a magnetical alliance.

Das Feedbackorchester | On different locations

Beside the quiet moments the music can also be rendered in a hefty volume, which due to its soft flowing character is still mostly perceived as pleasant and soothing. The orchestra is always positioned in a circle, to allow for a close atmospherical contact between the players. The audience is encouraged to freely move around the circle, to find their favourite spot to listen.

The FBO prefers to play on curious and unusual places like churches, basements, old mills, water tanks, ship lifts,  former secret police headquarters and the likes.

Kulku was founded by Wenzlovar and Johanna Riska and has since played in various constellations with other musicians in the underground music scene of Berlin. The band is using mainly Wenzlovar´s collection of acoustic instruments to produce a surreal home of sounds accompanied by odd stories about dogs as spiritual advisers.

Kulku play minimalistic music that relates to primitive music – many of the instruments can produce only one single tone. The musicians are (voluntarily) restricted to a limited sound but rising a complete universe out of it. Kulku play with acoustic, partly self-made instruments like xylophones, organ pipes, kettles and pots and create a magic mix of primitive music, drones and hoodoo blues.

Das Feedbackorchester & Kulku  LIVE

Sunday, 20 November 2011 | 19:00 CET
Theaterkapelle | Boxhagener Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain

feedbackorchester.de | myspace.com/kulku | theaterkapelle.de