D/B Recommended: Co La & Conquering Animal Sound @ Urban Spree Berlin | Monday, 06.05.2013

Co La is the primary project of musician and producer Matt Papich, whose explorations of sample-based electronic music have culminated in ‘Moody Coup’.
D/B Recommended: Co La & Conquering Animal Sound @ Urban Spree Berlin | Monday, 06.05.2013
The emotional palette of ‘Moody Coup’, Papich’s second album and first for Software Recording Co., is more complex than its exuberant predecessor ‘Daydream Repeater’.

Where that record’s relentlessly bucolic tone drew from the saccharine core of reggae, exotica, and 60s girl groups, the bedrock of Moody Coup is elusive and abstract.

Co La | Daydream Repeater

The various genre coinages that have been tagged to Co La’s music before – new exotica, Avant-luxury, furniture music, etc. – fail to accommodate the brainier obsessions behind Moody Coup’s genesis.

A new brand of alchemy occurs in the album, where cryptic sources are enhanced and embellished to a point of transcendence. This departure is the brilliant process o of Co La’s unpredictable electronic music.

Conquering Animal SOund | Where The Wild Things Are

Straddling the divide between pop and the avant-garde ought to render electronica duo Conquering Animal Sound in a position of eternal compromise, taming their experimental impulses in the pursuit of pop truth.

Yet, as their second album — and first for Chemikal Underground — demonstrates, Anneke Kampman and James Scott have little truck with contemporary music orthodoxy, from the process of composition and manufacture through to the multiple meanings that underpin the 11 proudly cerebral songs that make up On Floating Bodies.

Co La & Conquering Animal Sound  LIVE

Monday, 06 May 2013 | 21:00 CET
Urban Spree | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain

soundcloud.com/co_la | conqueringanimalsound.co.uk | urbanspree.com