D/B Recommended: Clara Hill | News, new Bandcamp Site & Free Song

It is our pleasure to present you a special offer by the Berlin based songwriter and performer Clara Hill who we are lucky to be able to work with.
[audio:Clara_hills_folkwaves-once_i_know.mp3]Clara is currently working on her new album which is expected to come out end 2011. The album will be a journey through a multitude of musical directions. It is by design a multi-genre album so as to not be limited or constrained musically or stylistically.

Until the new record is finished we are happy to present you a special offer on Clara’s existing catalogue.

On her brand new Bandcamp Site you can listen to and buy Hill’s awesome SIDEWAYS in breathtaking quality amongst her other two albums. For the next six weeks only, buy any nine tracks for a special price and get one free bonus song.


Also we are very proud to announce that Digital in Berlin will present the live premiere of Clara together with an exciting new orchestra project in Berlin at the end of March. Stay tuned – more Information to be announced soon.

“While the rest of the world is being buzzed awake by alarms, cinching up their ties, and rushing out the door to catch the commuter train, clara hill takes an all-together different approach to life. clara stops to smell roses. she listens to the wind rustling the leaves of trees, birds singing off the distance, and couples whispering to each other on a nearby park bench. in short, she takes in the world around her and uses it as the creative fuel for her deeply personal musical compositions.” xlr8r

