Around International Film Festival at Acud Macht Neu / Saturday, 17.12.2016

Around Film Festival is an International, Independent, online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Commercial, Music Video and Animations. Around Films is a network based film collective which gathers the international colleagues all around. The annual ARFF Berlin Award Ceremony is the marquee event which attracted over 500 people last year just in one city.

Alongside the aim of creating a custom approach, also provides the essential elements of filming in the field of all around production. Goal of Around Film Festival is to provide homes to group of film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for film industry and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested for all around the globe to present it all on one single platform. Monthly Festival’s library will has some very remarkable award winning films from across the globe.

Around International Film Festival is not just another self-describing “international” festival and is proud to celebrate its 3rd year with its enthusiastic global team. ARFF are able to concretize ‘international’ aspects which refer to the capability of booking and organizing the global events all Around the World.

The Around family is composed of directors, cinematographers, actors, cinema academicians, photographers, musicians, art historians and independent cinema enthusiasts. Reflecting the personality of their members, ARFF receives the films from every continent and aims to permit the self-expression of talented directors, to offer a solid platform to all independent film makers around the world and to promote freedom of creativity in cinema.

Each year Around International Film Festival hosts over 600 films, selects 121 winners over 11 months and announces the 11 Best Creations of the year on the Specified Sections of 2016. This year, AIFF expanded their network to European culture capitals as: Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Paris.

Around International Film Festival

Saturday, 17th December 2016 | 21:00 CET
Acud Macht Neu | Veteranenstraße 21 | 10119 Berlin-Mitte | acudmachtneu.deEvent@Facebook


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