Add your event

We are happy to present your event on Digital in Berlin. Please provide all the information listed below, in English, complete and correct in plain text (no emojis, FULL CAPITALS, or unnecessary characters).

The description text should be around 2500 characters long — no shorter than 2000 and no longer than 3000.

As we are a curated platform, please contact us before uploading your event. Submissions which do not follow the input instructions will not be published — the instructions are simple — please read them carefully. Here you will find our services for media partnerships and cooperation.

Please complete the required fields.
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Please upload the picture for our announcement in horizontal format (3:2 aspect ratio), maximal 5 Megabyte, jpeg-, png-Datei, no flyers/no text included/no photo collage.

The registration of your event does not automatically lead to its promotion on D/B. Our editorial team reserves the right to check the event in line with the Digital in Berlin guidelines.

In case you arranged a media partnership with us — please send us the online banner via E-Mail to in the format: 300 pixels wide x 600 pixels high, preferably animated and no larger than 250 kilobytes.

Any questions?:
Here is our logo to download:

Digital in Berlin is a curated platform for cultured music between avant-garde, pop culture and interdisciplinary arts.

For 15 years we have been Berlin’s musical archive, reflecting the diversity of the scene. Digital in Berlin supports, advises and develops collaborative cultural offerings, creates visibility for sectoral and cross-sectoral events and helps to make better economic use of cultural and artistic potential.

As an independent cultural agency, we are an important guide in Berlin’s multi-layered cultural landscape and support selected events, concerts and festivals as a media partner.