D/B Recommended: WDR Orchestra “Das Weib des Pharao” LIVE @ Neues Museum Berlin | Saturday, 17.09.2011

This saturday cineasts will be able to enjoy Ernst Lubitsch’s „Das Weib des Pharao“, originally colored.  The world premiere of a restored version, made of the rolls of film rediscovered recently!

While famous Emil Jannings is playing the Pharao (!), the WDR Rundfunkorchester, directed by Frank Strobel, will be accompanying the silent movie live – the  original score of Eduard Künnecke has been adapted for the orchestra.

For a long time the epic movie only was screened in black and white and lacked some crucial scenes. On the basis of atwo russian “Nitro-Copies” of the russian state archive the new version could be restored. Original colours, missing scenes and the live performance of a whole orchestra promise an impressive cinematic experience.

Das Weib des Pharao | Trailer

The Ethiopian King Samlak offers his daughter Makeda to the powerful Pharaoh Amenes in order to secure peace between the two countries. What was intended as a political move ends as a debacle. Instead of Makeda, Amenes chooses Samlak’s beautiful slave girl Theonis.

Nevertheless, Amenes can not secure the love of Theonis as she is in love with the young Egyptian Ramphis. Having suffered humiliation, the Ethiopians declare war on Egypt. Amenes is injured in a battle and perishes – but only seemingly. The happy union between Theonis and Ramphis is in peril when Pharaoh Amenes returns to claim his wife and his throne.


WDR Radio Orchestra & silent movie “Das Weib des Pharaos” LIVE

Friday, 17 September 2010 | 20:00 CET
Neues Museum on Museumsinsel  | Bodestr 1 | 10178 Berlin/Mitte

arte TV | “Das Weib des Pharao” on imdb | WDR Rundfunkorchester