D/B Recommended: Umlaut Festival 2013 @ Ackerstadtpalast Berlin | Thursday, 05.12. – Saturday, 07.12.2013

Umlaut Berlin is a collective of four Berlin based musicians in the field of improvised / experimental / contemporary music that runs the Umlaut Festival Berlin and is part of the European network and label Umlaut Records.
D/B Recommended: Umlaut Festival 2013 @ Ackerstadtpalast Berlin | Thursday, 05.12. - Saturday, 07.12.2013
The Umlaut Festival 2013 features performances by Cobalt Cluster, Joel Grip, Andrea Neumann, Ensemble Hodos, Doneda/Rühl, Kege Snö, Zoor, Geneviève Foccroulle and Umlaut Big Band.

Cobalt Cluster: Cobalt Cluster explores the borders of its classical jazz quartet instrumentation. Composition confronts improvisation, the two reflect each other and still leave space to one another. Thus, a chamber music ensemble is created which uses microtonal harmony, instrumental noises and differentiated structures in a substantial manner.
D/B Recommended: Umlaut Festival 2013 @ Ackerstadtpalast Berlin | Thursday, 05.12. - Saturday, 07.12.2013
It’s about the variety of colors of the sound phenomena. In doing so, the four musicians, who are involved in the Berlin scene of improvised and experimental music for years, show all their musical individuality.

Ensemble Hodos plays Philip Corner: In this program, the ensemble, directed by Sébastien Beliah and Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, gives an overview of Philip Corner’s work. First conceived as a series of five concerts, this music is in the process of being documented on five CDs on Umlaut Records, with extensive liner notes by the composer, to be released in 2014.

Ensemble Hodos | Live

Tonight, the ensemble shows a more condensed overview of Corner’s music entitled “Life Work: A Unity”. It aims to show the diversity of approaches that is central to Corner’s work, and to put in light the variety of influences that nourished his life and music at different periods.

Kege Snö: Roland Keijser, a breath-taking reeds veteran, was a pioneer in Sweden taking part of the first move in the directions of free form and progressive music during the 60’s and 70’s, and later on found ground-breaking paths for Swedish folk music. His 40/50-year-old compositions lay the open structures for Kege Snö’s music.

Kege Snö | At Jazz Galerie

Raymond Strid, one of Europe’s most demanded improvising percussionists of today keeps time, adding new dimensions and pulses. His flow and phrasing leave nothing unattended. Almost 40 years younger, Niklas Barnö (trumpet) and Joel Grip make sure the music is given a fresh contemporary twist.

A young generation meets an older one. Sounds get deeper, denser, thicker – there is a lot to discuss, a lot to listen to, and every word, every note, is heard, experienced, lived, fleshed out.

Zoor | Live in Paris

ZOOR: ZOOR puts together two members of Hubbub and the drummer of Peeping Tom. Since their first appearance at the Umlaut Festival Paris in 2011, the trio has performed at Festival Météo (Mulhouse), Instants Chavirés (Montreuil), Cave 12 (Geneva), Pied Nu (Le Havre) and several places in Paris.

An Umlaut Records is scheduled for end of 2013. “Zoor is an imaginary sound space, populated by ageless sounds, unidentified fragments and unnecessary structures. An unknown music that has always existed.”

Geneviève Foccroulle | Plays Philippe Boesmans

Geneviève Foccroulle plays Stiebler/Harder/Feldman: “It’s Hauke Harder, who first told me about Stiebler’s music some years ago. He invited me to listen to his music and I immediately liked it very much and was very interested in playing it. Both these composers were very inspired by Feldman’s music. And maybe listening first to Stiebler’s and Harder’s music can open our ears before Palais de Mari, which is for me one of the most incredible and wonderful piano pieces.

As a pianist, I’m very excited to work on all these pieces, with their particularities concerning time and space notion, sometimes stretching time, need to work also on the physical attitude (not only the mind), very slowly and in the same time very precisely, to listen very carefully to each sound, resonances of sounds which can inform you how to play the next attack…” GF

Umlaut Big Band | At Raymond Bar

Umlaut Big Band: The Umlaut Big Band is an orchestra of 15 creative musicians involved in different kinds of contemporary music.

When they meet to play the music of Fletcher Henderson, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Jimmie Lunceford and others, they all bring their particular sound, their personality, their creativity and their knowledge of music in order to have fun and make you dance!

For more detailed information and timetable, please visit the website: umlautrecords.com

Umlaut Festival 2013

Thursday, 05 December – Saturday, 07 December 2013
Ackerstadtpalast | Ackerstraße 169 | 10115 Berlin/Mitte
