D/B Recommended: systM / gallery bar presents: THOMAS OLIVIER MYERS FADING TO WHITE / 13.02.-13.03.2010 in Berlin

systM is a bar AND systM is a gallery for design disciplines. The spectrum reaches urban art, graphic, interior and product design, fashion and far beyond that every disciplines defining spaces.

Thomas Olivier Myers art photo works stems from the wish to show the passage of time by movement and overlapping images rather than by freezing a moment in a single frame. Influenced by the works of photographers such as Bernd and Hilla Becher, Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth, or Massimo Vitali, this interest in the passage of time as shown in photography has rapidly become the leitmotif of his art practice.

Unlike Eadweard J. Muybridge who decomposes time and movement into several photos, he combines them into a single image composed of many superimposed pictures. Whatever one is looking at, it takes time to appreciate the full complexity of what is before us. Any land or cityscape, even devoid of life, keeps changing as the hours pass by.
Nothing is static. Light keeps changing and modifying the view offered to us. This is why a single photo after a while seemed insufficient in rendering this idea. His artistic concept has thus evolved around a few simple experimental considerations.

systM / gallery bar presents:
13.02.-13.03.2010  |  Vernissage 12.02.2010, 19 Uhr
