D/B Recommended: 3G-THIRD GENERATION / Theater @ Schaubühne Berlin

No, its not an homage to some outdated Apple. Nor does the acronym refer to the Heckler & Koch battle rifle or one of the WW I heavy bombers.
Third Generation is a theatre work in progress, initiated and put on stage by young Isralian director Yael Ronen. The genealogic reckoning refers to the historic events between 1939 and 1949, that is begin of WW II, Holochoust and the parallel creation of Israel and the GDR.

60 years or 3G later – the German split bewteen east and west has missed its 41th anniversary only by days, much effort been done to work through the burden of the Holochoust and the Israeli-Palestine conflict seems to be a never ending story.

So here comes the experiment, as simple as genious: put a group of 4 Germans, 4 Israelis and 4 Palestinians in their mid 30th together in one room. close the door, have everyone tell their story and look what happenes. As one can easily imagine, things start to get complicated fast as hell.

There is not only the complex historic interdependencies between the three main parties. They themselfes are again differentiated within further subdivisions, as for example male/female, hetero-/homosexual, east/west, Jewish/Muslim, Protestant/Catholic to name just the most basic, resulting in overlapping bi- and trifurcations. The evening plays through in a most joyfull way the many stereotypes persisting  more or less conscious in public discours.

By means of perspective changeovers the alternating stories present a tableau of constantly changing oppositions, that reach from privat mockery to bloody genocide. It is only one of the evenings benefits that it successfully avoids the obvious danger of pathetic dismay and all too simple blaming. Instead of a muzzling moral metavoice we are given a much more demanding sketch of multidimensional microstructures, whos invariant might be seen in the question of who to deal with the universal fact called border, inclusion and exclusion.

A most entertaining evening about some of the darkest episods of recent and ongoing history, that also sheds some cutting-edge light on the foreskin.

by Yael Ronen & the Company
directed by Yael Ronen (120 min.)
German, Arabic, Hebrew, English | German surtitles


Dritte Generation
25./26. 03. 2010, 20h  |  16./17. 04. 2010, 20:30h  |  23. 04. 2010, 19h  |  24. 04. 2010, 21h
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz / Kurfürstendamm 153 / 10709 Berlin
