D/B Recommended: TANZTAGE BERLIN 2011 with Antje Velsinger & Markus Popp (OVAL) @ Sophiensaele | 07 & 08.12.2011

Don’t miss the premiere of Ovals’s dance piece collabo with the awesome Miss Antje Velsinger at the Berlin TanzTage Festival on January 7th + 8th. Also, FREE Oval live set in the Sophiensaele Foyer on January 8th from 22:30h.

[audio:03 Riffifi.mp3] Antje Velsinger is a freelance performer and choreographer, currently studying at the Master-course „Choreography and Performance“ in Gießen.Central to her work is the understanding that the choreographic practice is a research process, in which new knowledge develops during experiencing the posted questions.
Markus Popp aka Oval

Markus Popp is one of the world’s most renowned producers of contemporary electronic music. His radical, process-orientated, yet always highly musical approach was the anticipation of “glitch”, “clicks & cuts” and “microsound” and inspires or provokes a whole generation of musicians down to the present day.

With his recently released, critically acclaimed double-CD “O” he succeeds in launching the next revolution: A unique music 2.0 which makes the divisions between “electronic”, “acoustic”, “performed” and “programmed” ultimately disappear. “This is meta music for the soul.”


with Antje Velsinger / Markus Popp (OVAL)

07 & 08.12.2010 | 18:00 CET
Sophiensaele | Sophienstraße 18 | 10178 Berlin/Mitte
