Die Zeit ist immer jetzt by Tanzcompagnie Rubato at Uferstudios / Studio 14 / Thursday, 7.10.2021

What is it? An object of nature? Our civilization’s ability to synthesize? A cultural object? How much of it is in our bodies and in musical compositions? And can we change it? What direction can this take? What new relationship to the world can this lead to? What is “time”?

In its 35-year history, Tanzcompagnie Rubato (Jutta Hell/Dieter Baumann) has repeatedly observed, analyzed and translated social conditions and developments into choreographic compositions. Its new production, „Die Zeit ist immer jetzt“, which was created in cooperation with zeitkratzer, europäischen Solisten-Ensemble für aktuelle Musik, Hell and Baumann take a close look one of the most urgent discourses in the face of climate change, globalization and digitalization: the relationship between nature and society, nature and humanity.

The phenomenon of “time” – and naturally the related “space” – are essential categories in considering and searching for models of a sustainable future. Because, as Norbert Elias wrote: “Each change in space is a change in time; each change in time is a change in space. You shouldn’t be misled by the assumption that you could sit still in “space” while “time” passes.”
The immanent point of departure for this experience of time and space is the human body; it offers approaches and perspectives. Temporal structures that pulsate in different frequencies in various body systems permeate us. Our body has a rhythmic multitude of “voices” that play on different “registers” and thus create an unusual dynamic together. They allow for specific movements, actions, emotions and spatial experience. Hell/Baumann will deal with this material choreographically.

In its music, the europäische Solisten-Ensemble für aktuelle Musik zeitkratzer has long been working with the concepts of “time” and “space”; many zeitkratzer pieces have an explicit reference to questioning a traditional concept of time. Music can – just like the body – stretch and accelerate time and create a time-space of contemplation and/or extreme acceleration.

Eight Tanzcompagnie Rubato dancers and eight zeitkratzer musicians meet in a dialogical process. Here, music is not going to be danced and it will not illustrate movement; instead, a new total composition will be created with contemporary music and contemporary dance as equal partners.

Tanzcompagnie Rubato: Die Zeit ist immer jetzt! A cooperation with zeitkratzer, Europäisches Solisten-Ensemble für aktuelle Musik

07.10.2021 | Doors 19:30 CET | Starts 20:30 CET
Uferstudios Berlin / Studio 14 | Uferstr.8/23 | 13357 Berlin

Further performances: Fr., 09. and Sat., 09.10.2021, each 20:30 and Sun., 10.10. 2021, 17:00


Tanzcompagnie Rubato with the europäischen Solisten-Ensemble für aktuelle Musik zeitkratzer, supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin, in cooperation with the Uferstudios, Berlin. Presented by Digital in Berlin, Exberliner, der Freitag and taz.

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