D/B Recommended: Soundfair presents SOLO @ HAU 2 Berlin | Saturday, 01.10.2011

SOUNDFAIR presents a new version of the performance SOLO during the performance festival “Testing Stage – A Window to Performa New York” at Hebbel-am-Ufer theater Berlin.

[audio:xxx-xxx.mp3]In SOLO only one audience member at a time is able to enter the former ticket sale office next to WAU and experience a 6-minute live performance by an opera singer.
SOLO creates a personal and intimate listening situation and transforms a very small space into a small private concert hall. The space itself and the performance therein additionally take on the character of an installation, since the work can also be (partially) seen and (over-) heard from the outside. We can see and hear only the performer – the audience member for whom she is performing is not visible for viewers of the installation.

SOUNDFAIR is a Berlin-based exhibition project by Ari Benjamin Meyers, Clara Meister and Thomas Mayer, that has set as its purpose the re-contextualization of music through the auditive exhibiting of music as unique artworks.

SOLO is performed by Katharina Schrade. Composition by Ari Benjamin Meyers.

SOLO during “Testing Stage – A Window to Performa New York”
presented by Soundfair

Saturday, 01 October 2011 | 19:00 – 22:00 CET
HAU 2 | Hallesches Ufer 32 | 10963 Berlin/Kreuzberg

soundfair.net | www.hebbel-am-ufer.de