D/B Recommended: MaerzMusik / Sonic Arts Lounge: Annie Gosfield @ Berghain Berlin | Wednesday, 21.03.2012

Philadelphia-born and New York-based composer, performer and improviser Annie Gosfield is one of the most interesting figures on New York’s Downtown music scene.

A grant recipient at the American Academy in Berlin this year, MaerzMusik is dedicating a portrait concert to her.

Annie Gosfield, born in 1960, studied piano and composition in Los Angeles and was already exposed to blues, jazz, soul as well as to alternative rock music and unusual early sound art experiments during her childhood.

Annie Gosfield | Lost Signals and Drifting Satellites (excerpt)

She has appeared as a keyboarder with various musicians and in various formations, sometimes also writing her own pieces.

Her fascination for extramusical and everyday sounds, machine noises, sounds emitted from technological equipment and physical phenomena could be heard in her compositions.

She used old as well as new technologies and experimental procedures, such as musique concrète, prepared instruments and sampling. Moreover, pulsating rhythms and ostinato patterns became a trademark of her music.

The MaerzMusik concert shows the numerous different facets of this noise and urban sounds inspired music. Each of the performed pieces resulted in close cooperation with the instrumentalists. Their interpretations and playing techniques often make a significant contribution to the character of the pieces.

Sonic Arts Lounge: Annie Gosfield  LIVE
presented by MaerzMusik

Wednesday, 21 March 2012 | 21:00 CET
Berghain | Am Wriezener Bahnhof | 10243 Berlin/Friedrichshain

anniegosfield.com | berlinerfestspiele.de | berghain.de