Sekai Camera App for iPhone

Japanese company Tonchidot makers of iPhone Applications have come out with a Social Tagging Device that tags a point in the real world using any or all of the media resources.


The good folks at Tonchidot can put it in to better words than me so i’ve relied on them for the overview “What is “Sekai camera”? This means a world camera. You can download information straight from the internet on your iPhone. We use iPhone applications for this service. When you reach the area you only see through the area of the view on your iPhone. Then you will meet much information by your iPhone. You do not need search yourself the information will come to you very natural way. ” – Tonchidot

The demo looks pretty cool and i’m keen to give it a try when it’s available. Still not really all that sure how it works but seeing as it’s developed and tested in Japan if it’s going to work anywhere then Japan will be the place. Via Neil Duckett