Ruby Anemic “Choking Under Pressure”

30. October – 10. December 2008 / Berlin

The Berlin-based artist likes to play with contradictions.

His sources of inspiration come from 50s Design classics, modern graphic landscapes, porn toys and omnipresent symbols of pop iconography. There’s no field of contemporary culture Ruby does not use for his own purpose. The artist’s work, personal experiements with a variety of media and materials, is an assembly that displays an aesthetic conflict.The content of his work therefore moves between antithetical extremes: on one hand there are silent and conceptual works such as “Neutral Phase”, where a seemingly chaotic linear landscape creates movement in which a viewer can lose himself, and on the other hand there is meaninglessness, carried almost too far, where everyday objects are supersized into nonsensical monuments and a Roy Lichtenstein becomes a monolithic screen for the projection of the artistic ego.

Ruby Anemic is very aware of the fundamental dichotomy behind his work and he skillfully brings this into play. Sometimes this is with irony, sometimes with subtle social criticism.

/ pool gallery
10117 berlin germany