Room 4 Resistance at ://about blank / Saturday, 10.09.2016

Room 4 Resistance is a Berlin-based queer-forward collective composed of DJs, producers, and music journalists.

R4R aims to feature women-identified artists, genderqueers & non-binary, trans people, people of color, and black people in leadership roles, without limiting itself to these categories. It also aims to create a warm and safe space for everyone involved, to focus on community-building, and to create bridges between different communities.

R4R is musically built on its core residents: rRoxymore, Yuko Asanuma, Doc Sleep, Luz, Purita D. and LMGM – and hosts international as well as local talents.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


R4R celebrates musical diversity, sexualities, ethnicities, bodies, queer solidarity and community — and involves the audience as much as the DJs and promoters.

Room 4 Resistance is a “family night” of queer friends and friendly strangers…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


Guests featured include: Jane Fitz [Free Rotation, Night Moves, UK], DJ Shiva [SUBterror Radio, US], and Ziúr [Infinite Machine]

Residents: Doc Sleep [Jacktone Records / R4R], LMGM [La Mission / R4R], Purita D [R4R], and Luz – R4R [R4R]


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


During the daytime, tarot readings will be given by Najee Rene: Najee Rene has been giving Tarot readings for more than 5 years and grows to love it more & more. Using the Zen Osho deck, he has been able to reach a large audience of patrons. You can visit his table at Room 4 Resistance to see what the future has in store for you.


R4R welcomes people of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, abilities and background to our parties. We want people coming from marginalized groups such as women, LGBTIQ, people of color, black people, refugees, roma +++ to feel warmly welcome.


Room 4 Resistance

Saturday, 10th September 2016 | 11:00-23:00 CET
://about blank (garden) | Markgrafendamm 24c | 12245 Berlin/Friedrichshain |

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