Reflecting Perspectives w/ Stellar OM Source, Sick Girls and many more @ ://about blank Berlin, Saturday, 08.03.2014

March 8 provides another occasion for Perspectives to call into question the issue of gender relations in electronic music. Perspectives celebrates these slowly shifting parameters with a showcase of diverse female artists, workshops and more. As a special feature, they’ll be showing the premiere of the Perspectives video documentary at 8 pm. In addition, the detailed results of the Berlin club counting will be presented and, as a constructive response, the first edition of the Berlin Booker’s Guide will be introduced, a catalogue of artists for programme managers. Berlin clubs still booked men at a rate of 92 percent in 2013. Time for Perspectives to make some changes!

Reflecting Perspectives | Teaser

As a last years festival reflection this March 8th Perspectives event aims to reveal more of the variety and diversity in electronic music as well as to deepen the discussion on this problem and its possible solutions. Ableton Live 9 and Basic PR workshops held during the day will serve as a platform for a lively exchange of experiences and knowledge. During the welcome at 8 pm curators, organizers, bookers and musicians are invited to reflect what was going on in 2013. They will have the opportunity to present projects as best practice models and define concrete possibilities in order to identify potential changes for a gender-sensitive music industry.

Stellar OM Source | Par Amour

The night event will provide a showcase to present the multifaceted performances of Berlin-based and international artists, as well as their perspectives on electronic music. Featured artists are: DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess (NL/Klangbad), female:pressure LIVE jam with Aschka, Donna Maya, Kaltès, Madeleine Bloom (female:pressure), Kat Kat Tat (female:pressure), Lotic (Janus, Sci-Fi & Fantasy), Rona Geffen LIVE (female:pressure), Sick Girls (Revolution No. 5), Stellar OM Source LIVE (NL/RVNG Intl.) and Vinilette (female:pressure).

Reflecting Perspectives w/ Stellar OM Source, Sick Girls, Rona Geffen, DJ Marcelle and many more

Saturday,  08 March 2014 | check website for detailed schedule
://about blank | Markgrafendamm 24c | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain |

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