D/B Recommended: Real Time (Dresselhaus & Friedl) @ Ausland Berlin | Friday, 31.05.2013

Reinhold Friedl (zeitkratzer) & Dirk Dresselhaus (SchneiderTM), the two protagonists of REAL TIME, are coming from different backgrounds.
D/B Recommended: Real Time (Dresselhaus & Friedl) @ Ausland Berlin | Friday, 31.05.2013
Dirk Dresselhaus is releasing experimental electronic freakpop since the late ninties under his moniker Schneider TM.

He developed a very personal approach to sound and its structures, starting with guitar effect devices and a 4-track homerecorder as an autodidact.

Real Time | Live at NK Berlin

Reinhold Friedl studied mathematics and music, got scolarships and international commissions, and founded the Zeitkratzer ensemble, showing disrespect to all musical frontiers.

They met for the first time at a concert, after Zeitkratzer performed Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. Dirk Dresselhaus was very enthusiastic about this unrestrained contemporary music group which devotes itself to the instrumentation of purely tuned guitar feedback.

Schneider TM | Grinder In The Sky

Aftre the meeting, Dresselhaus and Friedl started a cooperative project. For the first years the project only existed in their studios.

Then they asked themselves: what would happen if they put these strange droney sounds from the inside of a piano into Schneider TM’s electronic devices, modulating them with an incredible complex feedback system and recursive effect settings?

Reinhold Friedl | Live at Rex Belgrade

The results are sometimes violent, somtimes subtle and soft large-scale soundscapes, coming from one single sound that develops to something overwhelming.

Reinhold Friedl plays pianoforte, horse hair, metal sheets, fishing lines, metal tubes. Dirk Dresselhaus plays oscillator, spring reverb, isolator, memory man, delay, mixing desk, lfo, noise generator, vibrator / time machine, pitch shifter, ring modulator.

Real Time (Dirk Dresselhaus & Reinhold Friedl)  LIVE

Friday, 31 May 2013 | 21:00 CET
Ausland | Lychener Str. 60 | 10437 Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg

schneidertm.net | reinhold-friedl.de | ausland-berlin.de