D/B Recommended: Purge II w/ Ancient Methods & Sun Worship @ Chez Jacki Berlin | Friday, 09.12.2011

After the success with HTRK and Bruises, PURGE returns in December with more audio agGression and death defying bass featuring Ancient Methods, SUn Worship, Hanno Hinkelbein and the PURGE Allstars.

There’s a primal punch to the industrial techno sounds of Ancient Methods. Their records sounds like gigantic machines, made of flesh and wood and metal, is roaming across the land, devouring everything in site and spewing out angry funk at the other end.

For all the severity of the fast paced assault of Sun Worship, they also create a spacious and strangely pretty atmosphere with their music. For being a band that, as far as we know, only have two songs on Bandcamp and a casette out, they combine brutality and beauty in a way that surpasses a lot of their more experienced colleagues – both in skill and energy.

Hanno Hinkelbein is Berlin royalty and a long time scenester and techno hero with ties to classic venues like Tresor. With a wicked smile he’s been in the business of dishing out dirty pounding acid and evil bassed out beats, for longer than you’ve lived here.

Ancient Methods | Fourth Method

The PURGE Allstars BlackBlackGold (GucciGoth), Xorzyzt (BL4CK M4G1CK) and Tom Ass (Gegen) give you their own brand of satanic dance floor incantations. BlackBlackGold gives his sickest bass heavy attack step. Xorzyzt mixes sick drones with sicker beats. Tom Ass kicks the industrial shamanism. Nobody is safe.

Ancient Methods, Sun Worship  LIVE

Djs: Hanno Hinkelbein & Purge Allstars

Friday, 09 December 2011 | 23:00 CET
Chez Jacki | An der Schillingbrücke | 10243 Berlin/Friedrichshain

ancientmethods.com | sunworship.bandcamp.com | chezjacki.com