D/B Recommended: PIVOT by Jacob Kirkegaard – Opening @ LEAP Berlin | Friday, 07.09.2012

LEAP presents PIVOT, an installation by Jacob Kirkegaard created from video and sound recordings from one of Berlin’s most important landmarks: the tv tower at Alexanderplatz.

Inside the enormous globe at the tower’s summit, 200 meters above ground, is a rotating restaurant offering a 360° panoramic view of the city.

Jacob Kirkegaard was granted a once off special permit to access the machinery that keeps the globe in its constant pivoting motion.

Using vibration sensors, he recorded the sounds emerging from the heavy mechanical engineering – a striking contrast
to the slowly and silently revolving look-out above.

In conveying this apparent conflict of inside/outside in an audio visual installation, PIVOT aims to de- and reconstruct a (clichéd) image of Berlin as a city “under construction” that is defined by constant change.

It presents a shifting, transitory reflection of the transforming metropolis which, on the acoustic level, is being thwarted by the thunderous noises from the structure inside the tower stem.

The “superficial” image is thus being exposed in its very constructed-ness. For the installation at LEAP, a video is projected onto a curved white canvas that stretches from floor to ceiling.

The curved canvas reflects the shape of the Fernsehturm’s dome and panoramic view of Berlin revealing a view of the city as seen from within the dome.

Simultaneously the view from Leap’s windows reveals an up close sight of the colossal landmark, allowing for a double perspective of the city to take place.

PIVOT by Jacob Kirkegaard

Opening: Friday, 07 September 2012 | 20:00 CET
Exhibition: Tue-Sat 08.09.-28.09., 18-22:00

LEAP | Berlin Carré 1. Stock | Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13 | 10178 Berlin/Mitte

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