Hot on the heels of his new “The Machine Regrets” EP on Fremd Tunes, Berlin resident makes a live appearance at one of D/Bs favourite Kreuzberg venues.

The audio visual artist who is also active as a sound designer and programmer will play two sets, the first purely electronic, for the second he will be accompanied by the saxophones of  Pierre Borel and Paul Roth.

Pierce Warnecke’s work stems from his interest in the effects of time on matter: modification, deterioration and disappearance. Via an almost scientific process of collecting, filtering and combining phenomena (objects, data, sounds, images), he distills the subject via repetitive processes until it approaches true abstraction.

Pierce Warnecke| The Machine Regrets (teaser)

Whether focus is on the purity of digital forms or the chaotic grit of natural objects, large scales of time and space or microscopic detail, the goal of Pierce’s work is to readapt existing materials into a parallel context where their signified meanings, symbols and cultural connections have become residual ghosts.

Sound works explore combinations of pure synthetic sounds, electronic interferences, field recordings and manipulations of found objects. Textural, drone, noise, electronic and improvised music are areas of interest, explored through solo works and collaborations.

Video is created in real-time, recorded, or generated and uses found items and moments: data sets, organic matter and microscopic textures to create dense patterns and contrasting forms.


Pierce Warnecke LIVE
+ Pierre Borel, Paul Roth

Monday, 13 February 2012 | 20:00 CET
wndl | Schlesische Str. 42 | 10997 Berlin/Kreuzberg

piercewarnecke.com| nstp.de