D/B Recommended: Orchestra Of Spheres & High Wolf @ Urban Spree Berlin | Thursday, 07.11.2013

The Orchestra of Spheres takes you to higher dimensions through mathematical ratios of rhythm and the chaos patterns of sound.

Born out of the Frederick Street Sound and Light Exploration Society in 2009, the Spheres have developed a cult-like following in their brief existence.

Like celestial sponges, they draw on influences from far and wide: the hypnotic beats of Kuduro, repetitive minimalist Bornean sape music, free jazz and improvised music and the celestial chimes of gamelan.

Orchestra Of Spheres | Hypercube

The Spheres use homemade instruments such as the biscuit tin guitar, electric bass carillon and sexomouse marimba to create their cosmic dancing sound and the spaced out sound worlds.

France’s High Wolf possesses a natural-born ability to zero in on the tones most conducive to inducing transcendental states. Prolific without wearing out his welcome, this guitarist and manipulator of effects boxes looses fervid streams of fever-dreamy drones that suffuse any room they enter with mystery.

High Wolf | Kulti

High Wolf’s tracks carry the uncanny sense of sounding as if they’ve been sluicing since the beginning of time, and that he had the graciousness to siphon them for teasingly brief absorption before they shimmer off to the vanishing point. This elite droneur is one of the few musicians who could title a release A Guide To Healing without it coming off as an ironic gesture or a laughable boast. (Cop that 7” and try not to get a spring in your chakras).

Orchestra Of Spheres & High Wolf LIVE
presented by CTM

Thursday, 7 November 2013 | 21:00 CET
Urban Spree | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain

orchestraofspheres.bandcamp.com | urbanspree.com | highwolf.wordpress.com