D/B Recommended: Olsen and The Hurley Sea & B.B. Sea @ Antje Øklesund Berlin | Friday, 23.11.2012

The artist hiding behind Olsen and the Hurley Sea is Berlin based singer-/songwriter Ole Ortmann, who started this project as solo outfit under the moniker of Olsen and the Incredible Sound of the Unseen Orchestra. When Ortmann met producer Nikolai Potthoff, The Hurley Sea was born.

The ingredients and currents – the elements that characterize the live performance of the songwriter Olsen – are closeness and vastness created at the same time. And he is  playing a game with silence.

The best metaphor for Olsen and The Hurley Sea’s music surfaces in the name: The sea. Cockling and effervescent, it brings melancholy to the shore and takes her back to the water. Olsen’s music doesn’t sound like a sunlight-flooded day, but one that gleams and sparkles from the inside.

Olsen and The Hurley Sea | Into The Rain To Dry

Olsen and the Hurley Sea’s music is very delicate, almost fragile and impresses with melodies that carry the voice like a lifeboat. The teamplay of guitar, harmonica and vocals give the impression that here someone has attended Neil Young’s school successfully.

Even the last spark of unimpressiveness in the songs disappears slowly and leaves an even more fitting image of dented shoes whose wearer supports the intensity of this music with rhythmical kicks.

Olsen and The Hurley Sea | What Luck

Olsen and the Hurley Sea are Ole Ortmann (vocals, guitar, harmonica), Marten Rux (drums, percussion), Lorenz Baumeister (bass), Hampus Melin (drums) and Nikolai Potthoff (bass, mellotron, tambourines).

Olsen and The Hurley Sea are supported by drummer Marten Rux’s psychedelic hillbilly downbeat project B.B.Sea.

Olsen and The Hurley Sea & B.B. Sea LIVE

Friday, 23 November 2012 | 21:00 CET
Antje Øklesund | Rigaer Straße 71 – 73 | 10247 Berlin/Friedrichshain

olsenandthehurleysea.bandcamp.com  | bbsea.bandcamp.com | antjeoeklesund.de