D/B Recommended: Navnlaust Mønster Opptog, Nexus Baroque & Kuentz/Howse @ West Germany Berlin | Friday, 29.03.2013

NMO (Navnlaust Mønster Opptog) brings together Norwegian drummer and percussionist Morten J. Olsen and catalan electronic musician and sound artist Ruben Patiño.

Their joint project blends acoustic and computer generated sounds while exploring the boundaries of repetitive structures and sound spatialisation.

Rubén Patiño, also known as Pato, works in the field of computer music, an activity he combines with occasional incursions in the installation field. Patiño’s works are characterised by an algorithmic compositional style that is both irreverent and hyperenergetic.

NMO | Live at Bei Roy Berlin

Morten J. Olsen is a musician, composer and improvisor best known for his work as a drummer with the Norwegian heavy-metal musique concrete duo MoHa! and the experimental chamber-rock band Ultralyd.

Recently, aside from NMO he has been working on playing the vibraphone with the Pitch and also he’s been exploring the inner sonics of a rotating 32-inch bass drum, in duo with Robin Hayward or Mike Majkowski, with the Splitter Orchester, with the New Silence and solo.

Howse/Kuentz is a literal drama of sheer light (magnesium, fire) and absolute darkness (desiring substrate) exacerbated by the excitation of substance and its subsequent bodily detection. The two performers are cast as suspicious, violent, volatile detectives, with an audible forensics probing a tabletop micro-material-theater.

Heavily improvised, playing with the collapse of massed, barely functional salvaged equipment and software systems made manifest in sound/noise and image, a complex, process-driven constructivist performance; the symphonic rise of the attempt to piece together fugal systematics is played out against the noise of collapse and machine crash at the deserted border of control.

The Berlin based ensemble Nexus Baroque was formed 2012 around flutist Yeuntae Jung and Julia Andres with the intention of making old music accessible in new ways. All musicians have studied with renowned figures in the field of historical performance practices.

Enabling them to interpret 18th century music in style but creatively and unconventionally, liberating it from its rigit form. Aiming “through playing and singing to sensitise ones ear for the true substance and affect of musical thoughts”. (Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach)

Navnlaust Mønster Opptog, Nexus Baroque & Kuentz/Howse  LIVE
presented by Eine Welt aus Hack

Friday, 29 March 2013 | 21:00 CET
West Germany | Skalitzer Str. 133 | 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg
