Monika Werkstatt at Emmauskirche / Sunday, 8.5.2022

XJazz presents another epic session by the Monika Werkstatt this May at the Emmauskirche in Kreuzberg.

Monika Werkstatt is a collective of female artists, founded by Gudrun Gut, from the label environment of Monika Enterprise and Moabit Musik. In changing line-ups, for example Barbara Morgenstern and others unite their musical forces. The maxim is not just to be a mere product of pop culture but to make it a tangible experience that can be heard and felt. Through free improvisation, the women create a hypnotic, captivating mix of jazz, danceable electronics and epochal ambient, which is deliberately completed with otherworldly vocals. The addictiveness of this unique sound is extremely strong and has already brought the ladies concerts all over Europe.

Monika Werkstatt LIVE

Sunday 8th May 2022
Emmauskirche | Lausitzer Platz 8 A | 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

monikawerkstatt | xjazz