MaerzMusik 2015 @ Various Locations in Berlin / 20-29.03.2015

MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues 2015 devotes itself to contemporary time issues with concerts, installations, performances, film projects and discourse sessions. The festival offers a public forum over 10 days that is concerned with prevailing concepts, structures and experiences of time that go beyond chronological and efficiency-oriented temporal regimes. The concrete temporal experiences in music, performances and films are associated with discourses and theories and offer the visitors various ways of accessing the phenomenon of time. With this, the festival delivers a comprehensive contribution to the debate about how we manage time.


The festival will be launched on 20 March at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele with the large-scale “Liquid Room” project, a four-hour concert format involving both performance and installation, developed by Belgian Ensemble Ictus. This format breaks up the conventional concert timeframe, and replaces the fourth wall of the concert hall with an ensemble of four stages between which both audience and sounds can move freely. Participating artists include: Ictus, ensemble mosaik, Eva Reiter, Cédric Dambrain, Bruce McClure and Caspar Langhoff.

The oeuvre of composer and dramaturge Georges Aperghis is another focal point of this year’s festival edition. His last large-scale production, “Situations” for 23 soloists, will be performed by Klangforum Wien. The programme includes further concerts with solo works for various instruments, conversations with the composer and presentations of his films.


Also on the programme are important projects by Zeena Parkins, Chaya Czernowin, Davíð Brynjar Franzson, Daniel Kötter and Hannes Seidl at various venues throughout Berlin.

Wrapping up the festival is “The Long Now”, a monumental, 30-hour project at Kraftwerk Berlin that is a temporal and spatial composition consisting of sound installations, film projections, performances, concerts and electronic live acts by Phill Niblock, Morton Feldman and Leif Inge, among others.


In addition to the Haus der Berliner Festspiele venues include Martin-Gropius-Bau, the Philharmonie’s Kammermusiksaal, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU2), Heimathafen Neukölln, Kraftwerk Berlin, Liquidrom and ExRotaprint.

For the detailed programme and schedule, please check the website:


MaerzMusik 2015

Friday, 20.03. – Sunday, 29.03.2015
Various Locations in Berlin

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