D/B Movie Feature: Lovely Molly by Eduardo Sánchez | Score by Tortoise

Our favourite  post-rock Band Tortoise have recorded the score for Lovely Molly, an upcoming movie directed by Eduardo Sánchez.
Eduardo Sánchez’s The Blair Witch Project (co-directed with Daniel Myrick) broke new ground in horror, and its influence is still prevalent today.

His new entry in spook cin­ema doesn’t play for shocks or gimmicks, as its strength lies in the intimacy of its portrayal of a woman’s disintegration in the face of an unrelenting evil. The quiet, raw power of Sánchez’s latest work is more akin to Polanski’s Repulsion than any of the Bible belt–endorsed possession films of recent years.

Newlyweds Molly (Gretchen Lodge) and Tim (Johnny Lewis) move into Molly’s deceased father’s house in the countryside. An ex-addict with a deeply troubled past, Molly is strong in her new life of recovery. Unexplained disturbances in the night unnerve the couple, and when her husband goes away for business, Molly is left in a house that holds many painful memories. Her isolation is soon shattered by a mali­cious presence that unleashes a physical and mental assault.

Tortoise | Gigantes

As she struggles to regain footing in her simple existence, Molly’s grip on reality begins to waver. Her erratic behav­iour is a warning sign to her friends and family, whose interventions drive her further into solitary torment and spur a deep, dark infidelity within her.

https://www.facebook.com/lovelymolly | http://www.trts.com | http://www.haxan.com