D/B Recommended: Israel Martinez: Private, public and some impositions @ Quiet Cue Berlin | Saturday, 28.07.2012

The work of Israel Martínez has been developed in a wide range of proposals and using various media, aiming to generate a reflection on the relationship between sound, music and society.

In the mid-nineties he began writing for underground fanzines in Mexico, since then he has gone through various territories such as creating music at the intersection of electroacoustic, experimental music, field recording, spatiality, time, silence and imagery, summarizing it in what some critics and curators have been described as “visual music”.

But he has also made ​​audio works without a musical language: video installations, site specific projects, actions, interventions, graphic works through photography, typing, photocopying, and some other media.

Israel Martinez | Fear of Freedom

In Public, private and other impositions Martínez questions the thin line between private habits and public activities. Where does the individual and intimate end? Where does the collective start? When is a public action illegal? Is society ready to resume the coexistence in common areas or does it live in a kind of isolation?

In a country like Mexico, it is difficult to distinguish this due to the hectic daily dynamics, lack of respect for privacy and physical space of the people, corruption and, often, disinterest or apathy of the same society for asserting its rights and respect others.

Israel Martinez | Acorralado

After the opening on 28th, there will be an immersive live concert by Martínez plus electroacoustic concerts by other international artists. Also the finissage on the 30th will be joined by renowned live acts.

The concert lineup for the opening will be: Israel Martínez (Mexico) – electroacoustic solo set; Mario Verandi (Berlin/Argentina) – »Effected« for Bombo legüero.

Israel Martinez: “Private, public and some impositions”
Opening and concert

Saturday, 28 July 2012 | 17:00 CET
Quiet Cue | Flughafenstr. 38 | 12053 Berlin/Neukölln

israelm.com | quietcue.blogspot.de