D/B Presents: Group Inerane & Steffen Basho-Junghans @ Festsaal Kreuzberg Berlin | Monday, 21.11.2011

The latest band to make the transition from the rich catalogue of Sublime Frequencies recordings to the live stages of Europe is perhaps the most anticipated of them all: Group Inerane

Simmering up from the rebel heart of the Tuareg guitar scene, Group Inerane are a rough-hewn, tranced-out psychedelic juggernaut careering off the path beaten to the West by their peers Tinariwen and Group Bombino, coursing instead along a thrillingly scuzzed-up parallel lineage to Link Wray, The Velvet Underground and even Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Centred around band leader and six-string god Bib Ahmed, Inerane hail from Agadez, Niger, one of the most volatile zones in West Africa. Out of this vast, arid land long beset by political unrest comes the Inerane sound, fit to bring tumultuous joy to any party on the globe: ecstatic and electrified Saharan guitar modes entangle/disentangle themselves around mantric vocals and propulsive trap kit drum attack. Genuinely rocking and raw as hell, at points the fuzz descends and Inerane seem to bore their way to the mainline of rock n’ roll itself.

Group Inerane | Ano Nagarus

Steffen Basho-Junghans is an absolute master of the 12 string and open tuning acoustic formats. His playing is a fascinating and magical foray into unorthodox styles and sound ideas which combine North American Indian, Far Eastern and Northern influences with old steelstring traditions, European classic and a devoutly experimental aesthetic. As he begins to offer his recordings to North America, his playing has taken adventurous turns in style and sound.

SBJ currently works as a guitarist, composer, painter and free author, splitting his time between Berlin and Thuringia in Germany.

Digital in Berlin highly recommended! We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets for Group Inerane & Steffen Basho-Junghans. Just send a mail to win@digitalinberlin.de with “Group Inerane” as the subject.

This concert evening is part of “Since the Devil is Gone I Mostly Feel Lonely”, an ongoing series of Folk music concerts brought to you by Festsaal Kreuzberg and Monarch Berlin.

Group Inerane & Steffen Basho-Junghans  LIVE
presented by Palais Wittgenstein / CTM-Concerts / Festsaal Kreuzberg & Digital In Berlin

Monday, 21 November 2011 | 20:00 CET
Festsaal Kreuzberg | Skalitzerstr. 130 | 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg

Group Inerane at sublimefrequencies.com| www.bluemomentarts.de | www.festsaal-kreuzberg.de