D/B Recommended: Greie Gut Fraktion @ Volksbühne Berlin, Friday 22.10.2010

Following the release of their debut album, Baustelle, earlier this year, the Greie Gut Fraktion perform live in Berlin this month as part of the Volksbühne’s Musikbühne series.
[audio:GreieGutStadtExcp.mp3] The duo formed by Gudrun Gut and Antye Greie aka AGF, have taken construction sites as the central theme of their new project and field-recordings from such sites as the building blocks of their songs.With their new project “Baustelle” Antye Greie and Gudrun Gut are entering the world of chainsaws and pneumatic hammers: a world of murmurs and hissing, hammering and sawing.

Greie Gut Fraktion | Drilling An Ocean

The Greie Gut Fraktion have captured hours of field recordings from contruction sites and used the most exciting sounds as the building blocks for their collaboration. And it’s this omni-present construction site noise, with all its scraping, scratching, drilling and chiseling, that povides the red thread throughout this album.

Greie Gut Fraktion | Wir bauen eine neue Stadt

But however great the temptation might be to make purely industrial music with these building site sounds, the two ladies haven’t fallen for it.


Greie Gut Fraktion

Friday, 22nd October 2010 | 20:00 CET
Volksbühne | Linienstraße 227 | 10178 Berlin/Mitte

http://www.volksbuehne-berlin.de | Map
