Flanger at The Off / Sunday, 28.05.2017

Another great event in Perm Records series at The Off, Atom™ and Burnt Friedman perform as Flanger this month.

After 10 years, Atom™ and Burnt Friedman have composed and produced their fifth long player as Flanger. This time, not surrendering to genre-restricting limits, both have progressed from the initial skills shown on their début album “Templates” back in 1999, which still spins today on many turntables: intangible, mutating, part jazzy-electronic sound beyond the constraints of time and space, “encoding sound and silence”.

Apart from Hayden Chisholm’s saxophone contributions on 2 tracks, this is how it worked again for “Lollopy Dripper” – 50/50 duo mode composition with in-house, boosted equipment, very similar to the set-up in 1997, their foundation year, when the first tracks of the duo were produced within a week in Santiago de Chile – albeit with a customary, naturalistic Jazz-trio sound – in an almost “brain to midi”- modus.

“Flanger has once again crafted an album of intricate beauty—one that is rooted in experimentalism, but with body-moving undertones. With every listen, the album and its tracks open up more and more, revealing new elements and emotions to take in. It would do the album a disservice to attempt to classify or catalogue it with any genre.” XLR8R

Flanger (Burnt Friedman + Atom Heart) LIVE

Sunday, 28th May 2017 | 18:00 CET
The Off | Revaler Str.99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain

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