Festival Spectrum XXI w/ Hyperion Ensemble @ NK Berlin | Friday, 01.11.2013

The Hyperion International Ensemble plays spectral works by Radulescu, Dumitrescu, Avram, Hodgkinson, O’Malley and Sachs.
D/B Recommended: Festival Spectrum XXI w/ Hyperion Ensemble @ NK Berlin | Friday, 01.11.2013
The Hyperion Ensemble is a chamber music ensemble from Romania, based in Bucharest. It was founded in 1976 by composer Iancu Dumitrescu and specializes in the performance of contemporary classical music, more particular it is the main promoter in Romania of the Spectral Music trend.

Hyperion performed all over the world, and premiered the major works of Iancu Dumitrescu and Ana-Maria Avram Hyperion Ensemble’s performances are hyper-spectralist, transformational and acousmatic. Hyperion Ensemble realized many broadcastings for Radio Shows and a lot of LPs and Compact-Disc, particularly the 24 CD series with Dumitrescu and Avram’s music.

Iancu Dumitrescu with Hyperion Ensemble | At Conway Hall London 2011

Ana-Maria AVRAM conducts: “Spacetime-Assymmetry” for ensemble and computer sounds, “Vers La Flamme” for e-guitar, computer sounds and acoustic instruments, “Etudes Orphiques” for bass clarinets and computer sounds (world premieres).

Iancu DUMITRESCU conducts: “Falling Stars” for electric guitar, computer sounds and percussion, “Utopias” I-II-III for ensemble, “Chimerae” (I) – for instruments and computer sounds.

This event is highly recommended by Digital in Berlin! We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets. Just send a mail to win@digitalinberlin.de with “Hyperion Ensemble” as the subject.

Festival Spectrum XXI w/ Hyperion Ensemble  LIVE

Friday, 01 November 2013 | 20:00 CET
NK| Elsenstr. 52 | 2.Hinterhaus Etage 2 | 12059 Berlin/Neukölln


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