D/B Recommended: Expanded Cinema / Live Soundtracks @ NK Berlin | Friday, 04.01.2013

Salon Bruit and LaborBerlin present an evening of expanded cinema and live soundtracks.

Featuring a spectrum of styles and formats, with musicians improvising to films, films driven by sound, and sound transforming images.

Christopher Becks makes films that circumvent intentionality to reflect (on) the act of seeing. Select screenings include the Centre Pompidou, Austrian Film Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and Toronto International Film Festival.

Christopher Becks | Ritournelle

Aidan Baker is a Canadian musician & writer alternately based in Toronto & Berlin. A classically trained multi-instrumentalist, his primary instrument is the electric guitar with which he creates music ranging from experimental/drone to ambient post-rock to contemporary classical.

In addition to his solo work, Baker also plays with the group projects Nadja, Caudal, and B/B/S/. Baker has released numerous albums on such labels as Important Records, Alien8 Recordings, and Beta-lactam Ring Records.

Aidan Baker | Brief an den Vater

A former member of the experimental multi-media theater group LUXUS BERLIN, Michael Busch is a filmmaker and composer who creates music for both cinema and theater.

His most recent film-performance DAS ELEKTRISCHE PARADIES premiered at the Berlinale in 2010, selected presentations include the Sao Paulo Biennale, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Museo Reina Sophia in Madrid.

Michael Busch | Das elektrische Paradies Trailer

Guillaume Cailleau’s work encompasses film, installations, video and performance. He is interested in disclosing things that are just next to obvious, while exploring and exploding the boundaries of the cinematic image; often in collaboration with other filmmakers, musicians, graphic designers, painters, scientists, theater directors, and children.

His work has been shown internationally, at Centre Pompidou, Royal Ontario Museum Toronto, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, and at the International Film Festivals in Berlin, New York and Rotterdam, and at the Shortfilm Festival in Oberhausen etc.

Guillaume Cailleau | De l’un à l’autre

Paul Clipson often collaborates on films, live performances and installations with sound artists and musicians such as Tarentel, projecting largely improvised in-camera edited experimental films employing multiple exposures, dissolves and macro imagery that bring to light subconscious preoccupations and unexpected visual forms.

Paul has shown his films internationally in various galleries, festivals and performance venues.

Paul Clipson | Another Void

Axel Dörner has worked together with numerous internationally respected figures in the fields of “Improvised Music”, “Composed Contemporary Music”, “Jazz” and “Electronic Music”.

He has developed a unique style of trumpet playing based in part on unusual, often self-invented techniques. He has toured in Europe, North and South America, Australia, Japan and Asia (Hongkong) and appeared on numerous CD and record releases.

Axel Dörner | Improvisation

Okkyung Lee has been developing her own voice in a contemporary cello performance, improvisation and composition.

With her solid classical training as a foundation, she incorporates jazz, sounds, Korean traditional music, and noise with extended techniques to create her unique blend of music.

Okkyung Lee | One Hundred Years Old Rain

Doireann O’Malley is oringinally from Ireland, she Lives & Works in Berlin. Her work encompasses film, photography, poetry, drawing, found images and sound.

Selected upcoming shows include: Triskel Arts Center, Cork, Ireland; Elisa Platteau & Cie Galerie, Brussels; Galerie Parisa Kind, Frankfurt Am Main.

Doireann O’Malley | Video for Fitter Happier by Anika

Sylvia Schedelbauer’s films negotiate the space between broader historical narratives and personal, psychological realms mainly through poetic manipulations of archival footage.

Awards include the Gus Van Sant Award for Best Experimental Film (2012), the German Film Critics’ Award (2008) and the VG BildKunst Award (2007).

Sylvia Schedelbauer | False Friends

Jan Slak, drummer, student at Drum Academy Berlin, plays with punk rock bands, studies jazz and performs with multimedia artists.

Jeff Surak operates in the netherworld between composed and improvised music, moving between musique concrete, drone, noise, & free improvisation using whatever sound implements at hand. Surak runs the Zeromoon label and directs the annual Sonic Circuits Festival in Washington DC.

Jeff Surak aka Violet | At Staalplaat Berlin

Salon Bruit is an open platform for international artists of various backgrounds who experiment with sound, art, music and noise in unconventional ways. Activities include concerts, performances, independent radio projects, creative workshops and exhibitions in Berlin and other European cities.

LaborBerlin is a non-profit, independent film collective, open to everyone interested in artist-run initiatives. Focussing on analogue film practice, which embraces a hands-on D.I.Y. approach to experimental film production.

Expanded Cinema / Live Soundtracks
w/ Chloe Griffin, Michael Busch, Guillaume Cailleau, Jan Slak, Christopher Becks, Axel Dörner, Doireann O’Malley, Okkyung Lee, Sylvia Schedelbauer, Jeff Surak, Paul Clipson, Aidan Baker
presented by Salon Bruit & LaborBerlin

Friday, 04 January 2013 | 22:00 CET
NK | Elsenstr. 52 | 2.Hinterhaus Etage 2 | 12059 Berlin/Neukölln
