Eternal Cave Theater @ Acker stadt palast | Friday, 04.07.2014

”Movement is an animalistic and intellectual act. A muscular disposal of thought. As if, indeed, reasoning would have cells; and it does.” Gonçalo M. Tavares – Brief Notes on Connections

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Eternal Cave Theater is a sonic and scenic creation about movement, perception and animism. It occupies an undefined space between theater, installation and performance.
Perception in a eternal mind cave where vibration is the intangible source of every organism.

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In animism every object has a unique presence, this includes the acousmatic sound and performative gesture. It becomes necessary to cross boundaries and mix senses, listen with the eyes, see with the ears.

Concept, artistic direction and composition – Gil Delindro
Performance – Gil Delindro and Deli Gleba.
Stage Sound – Pedro André

Eternal Cave Theater

Friday, July 4th, 2014 | 20:00 CET
Acker Stadt Palast | Ackerstraße 169 | 10115 Berlin/Neukölln

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