D/B Recommended: Elektroakustischer Salon: Art’s Birthday @ Berghain Berlin | Thursday, 17.01.2013

“It all started 1,000,000 years ago on a January 17th. A man took a dry sponge and dropped it into a bucket of water. Who this man was is not important. He is dead, but art is alive”.

With these words, Fluxus artist Robert Filliou evoked the beginnings of arts in 1963. 50 years later, Deutschlandradio Kultur and Berghain present a premium class birthday party.

First surprise of the evening is the duo REALTIME: The noise-pop-all-rounder Dirk Dresselhaus (aka Schneider TM) meets experimental pianist Reinhold Friedl (Zeitkratzer). Together they produce large-scale sonic force fields by plaing the  insides of a piano and by electronics.

Reinhold Friedl | In Rex

Acoustic high-pressure is promised by the duo of Finnish electro minimalist Mika Vainio (formerly Pan Sonic) and french sound engineer Franck Vigroux. The two noise specialists celebrate their Berlin premiere at “Art’s Birthday”.

The evening will be perfected by the SOUNDWALK COLLECTIVE, hailing from New York. Their instrument is the corpus of the Berghain itself: Using contact microphones they scan the walls of the club. The resonances of the space create a unique sound performance.

Soundwalk Collective | Yalta

To hold up the thrill between the live acts, PHILLIP SOLLMANN, better known by his alias Efdemin, will perform a DJ set.

Elektroakustischer Salon: Art’s Birthday
w/ Realtime, Mika Vainio, Franck Vigroux, Soundwalk Collective  LIVE

Dj: Efdemin

Thursday, 17 January 2013 | 20:00 CET
Berghain | Am Wriezener Bahnhof | 10243 Berlin/Friedrichshain
