D/B Retrospective: Delia Derbyshire & Download unreleased Audio

One of ours early gurus of electronic music Delia Derbyshire. Delia-derbyshire.org is currently offering 8 free mp3s of rare and previously unreleased material by her.
[audio:Delia Derbyshire with Brian Hodgson – John Peels Voice.mp3 |  titles=John Peels Voice|artists=Delia Derbyshire with Brian Hodgson]

Delia Derbyshire (1937–2001) was an English musician & composer of electronic music\musique concrète. She is best known for her electronic realisation of Ron Grainer’s theme music to the British science fiction series Doctor Who and for her work with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

[audio:Delia Derbyshire – Tutankhamuns Egypt .mp3] Derbyshire was born in Coventry. Educated at Barr’s Hill School, she then completed a degree in mathematics and music at Girton College, Cambridge. In 1959 she applied for a position at Decca Records only to be told that the company did not employ women in their recording studios. Instead she took a position at the UN in Geneva, soon returning to London to work for music publishers Boosey & Hawkes.

Delia Derbyshire / Love Without Sound (1969)

Some of her most acclaimed work was done in the 1960s in collaboration with the British artist and playwright Barry Bermange for the BBC’s Third Programme, which was later renamed BBC Radio 3. Besides the Doctor Who theme, Derbyshire also composed and produced scores, incidental pieces and themes for nearly 200 BBC Radio and BBC TV programmes. A selection of some of her best 1960s electronic music creations for the BBC can be found on the album BBC Radiophonic Music (BBC Records), which was re-released on CD in 2002.

Delia Derbyshire / The Wizards Laboratory (1972)

Several of the smaller pieces that Derbyshire created at the Radiophonic Workshop were used for many years as incidental music by the BBC and other broadcasters, including the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).

Delia Derbyshire Radio Scotland interview 1997 Part 1

One set of recordings made for the Third Programme labeled “Dreams” was made in collaboration with Barry Bermange (who originally recorded the narrations). Bermange put together The Dreams (1964), a collage of people describing their dreams, set to a background of electronic sound.

Delia Derbyshire Radio Scotland interview 1997 Part 2

Dreams is a collection of spliced/reassembled interviews with people describing their dreams, particularly recurring elements. The program of sounds and voices attempts to represent, in five movements, some sensations of dreaming: running away, falling, landscape, underwater, and colour.
