D/B Recommended: DakhaBrakha @ Urban Spree Berlin | Tuesday, 25.06.2013

DakhaBrakha is an ethno-chaos group and presents the world of unexpected, intimate and new music.
D/B Recommended: DakhaBrakha @ Urban Spree Berlin | Tuesday, 25.06.2013
Ethnos + chaos = the combination of two fundamental substances, create the world of music in a variety of native melodies, rhythms.

The name is original, outstanding and authentic at the same time. DakhaBrakha means “give/take” in the old Ukrainian language.

DakhaBrakha | Please don’t cry

The meaning of “giving” is obvious – to give music, joy, celebration, the whole spectrum of emotions, feelings and reflections that fresh music and singing bring with themselves.

But where “to take” from? The energy can be taken not only from a native “source” but from anywhere … Modern ethnic music needs a sort of reconstruction and in a way it means to search for roots, to move back in time.

DakhaBrakha | Vesna

But if one belongs to the urban culture and has no initial experience of the traditional life, how can he find these roots? This “authentic music” will turn out to be artificial because it is an imitation only. Ukrainians still have no developed “urban folk” music, so called “world music”. It depends on specific social and cultural development.

So, now the vital decision is to make a step forward with the help of inner inspiration and fantasy: you hear an impulse and then create a new world based on deep cultural roots rather than the superficial forms of the culture. This is what the Ukrainian song is – vanguard and sacred at the same time.

DakhaBrakha | Tataryn

In Ukrainian authentic “symphony” one can hear the European and Oriental motives or the Christian and Moslem ones. Thus, the sound combines eastern-European perception with Asian and African rhythms.

DakhaBrakha was created in 2004 at the Kyiv Center of Contemporary Art “DAKH” by the avant-garde theatre director – Vladyslav Troitskiy. Theatre work has left its mark on the band performances – their shows have never
been staged without the scenic effects.

DakhaBrakha | Yagudky

Having experimented with Ukrainian folk music, the band has added rhythms of the surrounding world into their music, thus creating bright, unique and unforgettable image of DakhaBrakha.

Ukrainian folk music and songs will surely benefit from the overtones of another music, cultures and styles. It will help to open up the potential of Ukrainian melodies and to bring it to the hearts and consciousness of the younger generation in Ukraine and the rest of the world as well.

DakhaBrakha  LIVE

Tuesday, 25 June 2013 | 21:00 CET
Urban Spree | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain

dakhabrakha.com.ua | urbanspree.com