D/B Recommended: CTM.13 – The Golden Age @ Various Locations in Berlin | Monday, 28.01. – Sunday, 03.02.2013

The 14th edition of the CTM Festival takes place from 28 January – 3 February 2013.

Under the title The Golden Age, the festival this time seeks to reflect on the abundance of music in the modern world and its consequences for individuals, aesthetics, politics and the economy.

No tensions, frictions, and dichotomies exist in the “Golden Age” of antiquity. The term describes a state of harmony and peace, and this is precisely what makes it obviously so suspect.

Atom TM | Wellen und Felder

Few people nowadays are able to put much faith in unconstrained peace and harmony. CTM.13’s “Golden Age” reveals itself to be at least as ambivalent, but takes the diametrically opposed viewpoint.

Nothing but tension, intensity, and friction is ever able to put a shine on its gold and bring forth from the tired, purely quantitative pluralism of indifferent juxtaposition, a pluralism appreciably rich in diversity and potential.

Myrninerest | Long Home Sick Tonight

Tension here does not mean only affect, speed, contrast, and a rejection of rationalism and conflict.

Peace, languor, and contemplation likewise create spaces that allow for such intensity to build.

Pantha Du Prince | Es schneit

Everyone is invited to step out of the personal comfort zone and deal with sharing differences in such a way as to nurture public space and promote mutual understanding.

In adopting “The Golden Age” as its theme, CTM.13 turns these principles into the keystone of its ten-day festival spree.

Terre Thaemlitz | Rosary Novena for Gender Transitioning

CTM.13 puts the spotlight on artistic strategies that endeavour to counter the contemporary cultural overdose and its underlying threat of arbitrariness, by presenting an enticing spectrum of potent moments that range between the poles of joyous affirmation and radically subjective limits.

As such, CTM.13’s concert and exhibition programme stages a huge range of artistic approaches, which are examined in light of current social relations by artists and pop and cultural theorists during the festival’s discourse series of panels and talks.

Forest Swords | Glory Gongs

Participating artists include Andy Stott, Mark Fell, Biosphere, Günther Schickert, Atom TM, Emptyset, Forest Swords, Heatsick, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Myrninerest, Pantha du Prince, Terre Thaemlitz, Xiu Xiu and many more. For the full programme check the website: ctm-festival.de

Club Transmediale – CTM.13: “The Golden Age”

Monday, 28 January – Sunday, 03 February 2013
Various Locations in Berlin
