D/B Book Feature: CONSTRUCTED STYLES | LEGO Bricks in Urban Art

The CONSTRUCTED STYLES book covers 25 international artists and their stunning urban art sculptures, 3D-graffitis and room installations made from LEGO® Bricks. It features over 220 full-color photographs of cutting edge urban art pieces.

The German street art crews Sketched and Buntlack, internationally renowned artists like Jan Vormann and graffiti artists of two generations have created this unique collection of artwork.

Compiled by designer Henk Holsheimer on over 100 pages the book includes interviews with Sat One, Acid79 plus a multiple page documentation of the process of creation. This book inspires to express creativity in a new exciting way, accessible to everybody, colorful, fascinating and immensely diverse.
Featured artists are amongst others Jan Vormann, SatOne, Z-Rok, Orion Pax, Diese Mädchen, Cole Blaq, the Buntlack Crew, Sketched, Flxn, Shannon Ocean and Thesigner.

116 pages, hardcover, 29,6 x 21,6 x 1,4 cm
published by The LEGO® Group and Henk Holsheimer
ISBN-13: 978-3-00-031184-0
