D/B Recommended: Buck 65 @ NBI Berlin | Monday, 26.09.2011

Richard Terfry, who records under the name Buck 65, is a Canadian hip hop rap artist and turntablist.

[audio:Buck_65 – gee_whiz.mp3]He raps about real stories, rhymes with real emotion and makes beats that declare the artistic validity of the sampling process. He often uses elements of Americana in his rapping, such as baseball and small-town childhood.

He is a member of the 1200 Hobos, a loosely-knit hip-hop collective founded by Cincinnati DJ Mr. Dibbs.

Many of his early projects attracted attention after they were re-released, first on the independent Metaforensics label and subsequently by Warner Music. A notable early release, Sebutonedef (originally released in 1996 by Funtrip Records), was a collaboration with fellow Halifax artist Sixtoo.

Buck 65 | Shutterbuggin’

Man Overboard, originally released on the Anticon label, was a significant turning point in his career. His most recent record is 20 Odd Years.
He lists his influences as being MC Shan, David Lynch, J.V.C. FORCE, John Galliano, and Kool Keith.

Buck goes by a number of aliases including Stinkin’ Rich, Johnny Rockwell, DJ Critical, Jesus Murphy, Haslam, and Uncle Climax.

Buck 65  LIVE

Monday, 26 September 2011 | 20:00 CET
NBI | Schönhauser Allee 36 | 10435 Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg

buck65.com | www.neueberlinerinitiative.de