Blind Signal GRMN – VTNM at Kleiner Wasserspeicher / 20. & 21.09.2019

Blind Signal GRMN – VTNM aims to investigate the diversities and wide range of sonic practice through collaborative creations across multiple geographies.The second edition to the two part series: Blind Signal GRMN-VTNM, nine solo artists, musicians and composers from Vietnam and Germany, will be creating new pieces engaging the acoustic specificities of the Kleiner wasserspeicher.

AGF poemproducer aka Antye Greie, Audrey Chen, Huong DonNa, Els Vandeweyer, Erik K Skodvin, Luong Huẹ Trinh, Julius Holtz, LinhHafornow and Sabine Ercklentz are invited for five days of collective work, willing to create a common ground in the exploration of sonic arts, promoting immersive group listening experiences fully stimulate by noise, silence, frequency, transmission, performativities of media objects, resonance and acoustics, while remaining sensitive to the individual complexities and poetics of each identities. Following three days of research, the sounds artists will offer solo live acts and several sound pieces that will be presented in the premises at the Kleiner Wasserspeicher on Friday 20 & Saturday 21 of September, 2019.

Curated by Emilie Beffara. Supported by die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien – Musikfonds, Asia-Europe Foundation & Prince Claus Mobility Fund.

Blind Signal GRMN – VTNM

Friday, 20th & Saturday, 21st September 2019 | Starts 19:00 CET
Kleiner Wasserspeicher | Entrance Diedenhofer Straße | 10405 Berlin

Blind SignalDay 1 @ Facebook | Day 2 @ Facebook

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