D/B recommended: Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra @ Festsaal Kreuzberg, Sunday 07.03.2010

Following the release of their album Take Off! on Alien Transistor in 2009, we are lucky enough that AMEO should return to Berlin less than a year after their last concert, also at Festsaal Kreuzberg.

[audio:01 Gamma Pluto Delta.mp3] You might have seen them playing with wonderful German band The Notwist, but the Orchestra are an unmissable spectacle in their own right.

Whoever claims to have heard anything like this before is lying. This is a 20 piece orchestra, led by a 25 year old Berlin based composer, set off a fire-work of of energy, musicality and fresh ideas. Daniel Glatzel, the man behind the force of nature known as the ANDROMEDA MEGA EXPRESS ORCHESTRA, juggles genres, styles and music-historical references in a way that’s enough to make you dizzy. Jazz is just a ballpark figure here. We’re talking about everything from minimal music and diverse scores from film, romanticism, modern classical and Bartok right through to Zappa. Glatzel also cites as musical influences computer games, cartoons, shabby never-ending advertisement shows and elevators in expensive hotels. The music of AMEO is so rich in direct or indirect quotes that you really don’t know where to begin.

Here’s a glimpse of one of their recent shows:

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra / Radioactive People @JazzBaltica09

The AMEO are 20 young musicians all from differing musical and cultural backgrounds. They come from Germany, France, Switzerland, Canada, Norway, Japan, Thailand, the Czech Republic and South Korea. The boss of this one of a kind sound machine is the composer, arranger and wood-wind player Daniel Glatzel. As leader of the ensemble, he is responsible for the concept as a whole as well as for all compositions and arrangements. Not only friends of The Notwist, but also Herbert Grönemeyer have already approached the orchestra to help them enrich their new albums and live-concerts.

Andromenda Mega Express Orchestra LIVE
Sunday / 07.03.2010
Festsaal Kreuzberg / Skalitzerstr. 130 / 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg
